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Health and Safety for ICANN79

Updated: 12 October 2023

ICANN org monitors local health and safety risks in addition to relevant advisories and guidance from governmental and related public agencies. We also work closely with our local partners supporting the event to develop and implement comprehensive event safety plans and procedures for a safe, healthy and productive meeting.

Additional details are outlined below and will be updated as needed. However, ICANN reserves the right to modify these plans if the situation prior to the meeting or during the meeting deems it necessary to curb an outbreak or reduce the overall risk to delegates.

As a reminder, adequate traveler and health insurance is the responsibility of the traveler, to ensure coverage of any costs incurred due to illness or injury while traveling.


Registering for an ICANN meeting or event constitutes an acceptance of the Community Anti-Harassment Policy and Terms of Participation and Complaint Procedure, the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior, Privacy Policy, and ICANN electronic Terms of Service.


All participants are expected to conduct themselves on a professional level and will be held to the standards set forth in the ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy and Terms of Participation and Complaint Procedure and the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior.


Registering for this meeting constitutes an agreement to ICANN’s use and distribution of image or voice of attendees in photographs and video, or audio recordings.


Filming, photographing, and recording audio of open ICANN sessions is permitted, as long as the method of recording used is reasonable and not conducted in a manner that violates the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior.

Registration and public participation in ICANN Public Meetings constitutes an agreement that all photography, video, or audio recordings of open ICANN sessions are permitted and can be posted in the public domain. Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the participant’s right to challenge any filming, photography, or audio recordings of an open ICANN session if it is being performed in a manner that violates ICANN's Expected Standards of Behavior.

The formal records of all open meetings will be those published on https://meetings.icann.org/en/calendar or icann.org.

No. There will be no onsite registration facilities, so you must register in advance. This provides the event organizers and venue the ability to get important information in advance in terms of expected numbers and capacity planning.

In-person, advance registration will close on 29 February 2024. After that point in time, only virtual participation will be open for continued registration. Walk-up and late registrations will not be accepted after the in-person advance registration closes. All walk-up and late registered attendees will only have access to virtual participation.

ICANN will have an onsite Health and Safety Center (HSC) at ICANN79 to support all registered onsite attendees who need medical assistance during the event. The attendee’s badge will include the HSC’s location, hours of operation, and contact information. Any attendee who desires medical assistance for minor-to-moderate illness or injury during the event is encouraged to contact the HSC for support. For medical emergencies, please dial 911 immediately to reach local emergency services.

If you feel unwell during the event, you are strongly encouraged to limit in-person activities and use virtual participation from your hotel room. Should you choose to engage in any in-person activities, either while unwell or after exposure to someone who is ill, you are strongly encouraged to wear a well-fitting mask to minimize risk to others.

Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 must not enter the Puerto Rico Convention Center (PRCC) meeting spaces and is requested to notify the HSC. The HSC team will provide medical assistance, as needed, plus guidance to self-isolate and notify one’s close contacts of potential exposure to COVID-19. The U.S. CDC’s COVID-19 guidance can be found here.

ICANN org has modified several aspects of the arrival process with the return to hybrid meetings. All in-person attendees must be pre-registered by 29 February 2024 and show their registration confirmation email (requires a QR code) and government issued photo identification to receive an ICANN79 attendee badge.

To help reduce the queues, all attendees will be required to present their in-person registration confirmation emails (digital or printed), which will be scanned for entry. There will not be any onsite registration available. Accompanying persons and family members will not be permitted into the meeting space unless they are also registered as in-person attendees.

ICANN will have the lanyards in multiple colors (red and yellow) available to those participants who would like them, to allow in-person attendees to visually express their comfort level when it comes to socializing with fellow attendees:

RED LANYARDS: NO CONTACT / I’m keeping my physical distance
*Desire extreme physical distancing and precautions.

YELLOW LANYARDS: ELBOWS ONLY / I’m still being cautious
*Desire some caution and respect physical distance with others.

BLACK (SPONSOR) LANYARDS: HIGH-FIVES & HANDSHAKES / I’m ok with shorter distance
*Fine with more relaxed behaviors followed by frequent hand washing and sanitizing.

Badge Pickup Station hours on Level 2 of PRCC:

  • Friday, 1 March 9:00 – 16:00 (Early Check-in)
  • Saturday, 2 March 8:00 – 17:00
  • Sunday, 3 March 8:00 – 17:00
  • Monday, 4 March 8:00 – 17:00
  • Tuesday, 5 March 8:00 – 17:00
  • Wednesday, 6 March 8:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday, 7 March 8:00 – 13:00

ICANN will conduct entrance scans of all attendee badges upon entry to ICANN79. The primary purpose is to enable email notifications to attendees of potential exposure to a confirmed positive COVID-19 case or other safety notifications.

Contact tracing will be implemented with digital badge scanners when entering the ICANN79 meeting space. Ushers will quickly scan a QR code printed on all attendee badges upon entry to the ICANN79 venue.

The printed badge QR code does not contain any personally identifiable information, and is a random generated identifier (ID) for each attendee. This ID can only be linked by ICANN org to a registration record for a health and safety notice notification report, which will allow ICANN to notify all on-site participants of potential exposures to COVID-19 or other safety notifications. Badge scanning upon entry is mandatory for all in-person attendees. Contact tracing will not be conducted for virtual participants.

We will use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and as explained in this FAQ.

This page contains information from third-party websites that are not under the control of ICANN. Sources include both private and government websites. Any information included on this page that is not directly related to ICANN or its operations is for informational purposes only and has not been verified or reviewed by the ICANN organization.